
* mkusbmath execution example [#tba2dd05]
+ Boot with MathLibre DVD.
+ Connect USB flash drive of over 8GB.
+ Execute the following command.
 sudo mkusbmath
-- If you don't find mkusbmath, please download it from this page and execute the following command.
-- https://raw.github.com/knxm/mathlibre/master/config/includes.chroot/usr/sbin/mkusbmath
 sudo sh mkusbmath
+ You can find the list of USB devices.
  mkusbmath: shell script for making USB bootable MathLibre
 Please select the target device from the following list:
 /dev/sdb usb-Generic-_SD_MMC_058F63626420-0:0
 /dev/sdc usb-Generic-_Compact_Flash_058F63626420-0:1
 /dev/sdd usb-Generic-_SM_xD_Picture_058F63626420-0:2
 /dev/sde usb-Generic-_MS_MS-Pro_058F63626420-0:3
 /dev/sdf usb-ELECOM_MF-LSU2_eb972e623b2081-0:0
 Please input your target device (ex. /dev/sdc) :
+ We choose /dev/sdf, input &color(blue){/dev/sdf}; and push Enter key.
 Unmounting the mounted partitions.
 You've selected the device: /dev/sdf
 By the following operation,
 all files in /dev/sdf will be !!!REMOVED!!!. 
 It takes over 20 minutes for making,
 would you start this operation? (y/n)
+ If you input y, then all files in flash drive will be removed. If you are OK, please input &color(blue){y}; and push Enter key.
 We're copying OS image to /dev/sdf
   1.3GB at  112.1MB/s  eta:   0:00:22   34% [============                     ]
+ It takes over 15 minutes. You can find a progress bar, after reaching 100%, it takes more, please wait a few minutes.
+ After finishing of copying, it creates the persistent home directory automatically.
 We've finished copying OS image.
 We're making persistent volume.
+ The following message is displayed, we finished creating the procedures.
 We've finished making persistent volume.
 You've got an USB bootable MathLibre.

** Error message [#p22e2b6f]
- Generally, /dev/sda is an inner hard disk drive. If you select it, it will finish with the following error message.
 This drive /dev/sda may be a primary drive for your system.
 We'll cancel this operation.

** Reference [#o89c7149]
- https://github.com/knxm/mathlibre/blob/master/config/includes.chroot/usr/sbin/mkusbmath

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