Mathematical Software and Free Documents 36 Canceled


  • 15:00–17:00, September 2, 2024
  • TOMOE Udon (3-5, Abenosuji 1chome Abeno-ku, Osaka-shi)
  • Entry 500yen, or more
  • X Hashtag : #msfd36
  • If you will participate the party (17:00-19:00), a separate fee is required.


  • NORO Masayuki (Rikkyo University)
  • TAKAYAMA Nobuki (Kobe University)
  • HAMADA Tatsuyoshi (Nihon University / OCAMI)
  • YOKOYAMA Shun-ichi (Tokyo Metropolitan University)


  • MSJ Committee for Network Administration

Speakers (Alphabetical order)

  • HAMADA Tatsuyoshi (Nihon University / OCAMI)
  • NAKAGAWA Yoshiyuki (Ryukoku University)
  • TANAKA Kazuaki (Global Center for Science and Engineering, Waseda University / CES-Alpha)


  • 15:00–15:30 “Reveal.js for mathematicians”, HAMADA Tatsuyoshi (Nihon University / OCAMI)
  • 15:40–16:10 “Proposals of TeX macros, for creating teaching materials”, NAKAGAWA Yoshiyuki (Ryukoku University)
  • 16:20–16:50 “Global Center for Science and Engineering, Waseda University / CES-Alpha”, TANAKA Kazuaki (Global Center for Science and Engineering, Waseda University / CES-Alpha)


  • 15:00–15:30 “Reveal.js for mathematicians”, HAMADA Tatsuyoshi (Nihon University / OCAMI)

    Many mathematicians are using Beamer, a LaTeX class file, a presentation tool. Ordinary, we use it as a PDF presentation file, which not only supports displaying mathematical expressions, but also supports basic themes and step-by-step display. On the other hand, PDF is primarily designed for printing, so, it requires some efforts to display videos or interactive contents in it.

    In this talk, we will propose reveal.js. reveal.js is a presentation tool based on JavaScript. By writing HTML, we can express it on a Web browser. By using KaTeX and MathJAX, it is also possible to display mathematical expressions in LaTeX. Not only supporting basic themes and step-by-step display, but it can display embeded videos and interactive contents. We will show some examples with JavaScript Libraries, such as GeoGebra and p5.js.

  • 15:40–16:10 “Proposals of TeX macros, for creating teaching materials”, NAKAGAWA Yoshiyuki (Ryukoku University)

    Not only in mathematics, but also in natural science subjects, for expecting students to be able to learn the standard patterns of thinking, teachers often have to prepare exercises of various types with random numbers, etc. For this purpose, I introduced ‘fp’ and ‘ifthen’ TeX macro packages, and I introduced ‘auto-multiple-choise’, which is the frameset of MCQ tests with automated correction and grading. Hamada introduced a method for linking with the external Computer Algebraic Systems to simplify mathematical expressions.

    Hamada’s method is extremely excellent, but it has a weakness. The frequent calls of the external system are too heavy, and it causes a slowdown in operations. By the way, in some calculations such as simplification of rational numbers or square roots of natural numbers, we can do them with TeX macros.

    Therefore, in this talk, I suggest how to use TeX macros to handle these simple symbolic computations. I would also like to propose some gadget-like macros to switch between displaying or hiding answers.

    In addition, my TeX macros will be released under a ‘copyleft’ license, so please feel free to extract and modify them if you like.

  • 16:20–16:50 “Global Center for Science and Engineering, Waseda University / CES-Alpha”, TANAKA Kazuaki (Global Center for Science and Engineering, Waseda University / CES-Alpha)

    CES-Alpha is an educational platform specializing in mathematics and programming. This system provides a platform for programming education through browsers utilizing cloud technology, and also has functions for automatic generation and grading of mathematics exercise problems. In this talk, in addition to explaining these existing functions, we will introduce a new feature released this April: “Automatic grading of programming assignments and AI-supported learning.” The content of this talk has been jointly developed with Prof. Xuefeng Liu (Tokyo Women’s University / CES-Alpha) and Prof. Yutaka Saito (Niigata University / CES-Alpha).